Why Is Ivar Kreuger Good

1. Ivar Kreuger: His Life and Work - The Atlantic

  • Kreuger, at the time of his death, controlled about 75 to 80 per cent of the world's match industry. On the continent of Europe there were only three countries ...

  • August 1932 Issue

Ivar Kreuger: His Life and Work - The Atlantic

2. Ivar Kreuger | Match King, Business Tycoon & Investor | Britannica Money

  • Dec 12, 2024 · The majority of Kreuger's transactions after 1925 took the form of long-term dollar loans to countries short of foreign currency in return for ...

  • Ivar Kreuger (born March 2, 1880, Kalmar, Swed.—died March 12, 1932, Paris) was a Swedish financier, known as “the match king,” who attempted to gain a worldwide monopoly over the production of matches.

Ivar Kreuger | Match King, Business Tycoon & Investor | Britannica Money

3. The Rise and Fall of Ivar Kreuger and Swedish Match - Quartr Insights

The Rise and Fall of Ivar Kreuger and Swedish Match - Quartr Insights

4. Ivar Kreuger and the Swedish Match Empire - Case - Faculty & Research

  • Between 1913 and 1932, Ivar Kreuger, known as the "Swedish Match King," built a small, family-owned match business into a $600 million global match empire.

  • Taught in Evolution of Global Business. Globalization and corporate fraud are the central themes of this case on the international growth of Swedish Match in the interwar years. Between 1913 and 1932, Ivar Kreuger, known as the "Swedish Match King," built a small, family-owned match business into a $600 million global match empire. Despite the economic and political disruptions of the interwar period, Swedish Match owned manufacturing operations in 36 countries, had monopolies in 16 countries, and controlled 40% of the world's match production. Kreuger companies lent over $300 million dollars to governments in Europe, Latin America, and Asia in exchange for national match monopolies. Relying on international capital markets to finance acquisitions and monopoly deals, by 1929 the stocks and bonds of Kreuger companies were the most widely held securities in the United States and the world. After Kreuger's 1932 suicide, forensic auditors discovered that Kreuger had operated a giant pyramid scheme. His accounts were ridden with fictitious assets, the truth hidden in a maze of over 400 subsidiary companies. Swedish Match's deficits exceeded Sweden's national debt.

5. Business & Finance: Greatest Crook | TIME

  • During this “freedom from control” Ivar Kreuger mulcted the public of $560,000,000, gulled banks & bankers for another $164,000,000. Out of the $724,000,000 ...

  • Eleven days after a pistol shot in Paris put an end to Ivar Kreuger's fantastic dreams of a match empire, Price, Waterhouse & Co. sat down to audit the Kreuger books. Within a month they...

6. Business: Poor Kreuger | TIME

  • Ivar Kreuger's business life was known to only a handful of men. In making important transactions he usually revealed only part of the details to any one ...

  • Ivar Kreuger, 52, matchmaker and moneylender to many nations, arrived in Paris last week. His pallid face was whiter than usual, and drawn. He had just been in the U. S., seeking loans for his...

7. The Match King: Ivar Kreuger, The Financial Genius Behind a Century ...

  • Jun 9, 2018 · Ivar formed Svenska Filmindustri, a company that dominated Swedish cinema and brought him great pleasure, though little money. SF, as the ...

  • Partnoy helps us untangle Kreuger's intricate international web of hidden bank accounts, secret deals, bond issues, and government monopolies to understand how Kreuger pulled off one of the greatest swindles in history.

The Match King: Ivar Kreuger, The Financial Genius Behind a Century ...

8. A 3-part series on the life and death of Ivar Kreuger | Fortune

  • His Swedish Pulp Co. was the largest European producer of sulphite and sulphate pulp. His newspapers included the Svenska Dagbladet, one of the best papers of ...

  • This series by the poet Archibald MacLeish first appeared in Fortune’s May, June, and July 1933 issues.

A 3-part series on the life and death of Ivar Kreuger | Fortune

9. [PDF] Ivar Kreuger's Contribution to U.S. Financial Reporting - CDN

  • Mar 8, 2017 · Ivar Kreuger," 1930, p. ... Thus America, and much of the world, was Kreuger-conscious. KREUGER SECURITIES. Kreuger issued a great variety of ...

10. How Ivar Kreuger's Matches Set the SEC on Fire - LinkedIn

  • Jan 15, 2020 · In the 1920s, Ivar Kreuger was known as the Match King. He controlled ninety percent of the world's match production and the stocks of his ...

  • In the 1920s, Ivar Kreuger was known as the Match King. He controlled ninety percent of the world’s match production and the stocks of his company, Kreuger and Toll, were the most-owned securities in America.

How Ivar Kreuger's Matches Set the SEC on Fire - LinkedIn


  • Dec 7, 1986 · IVAR Kreuger, the Swedish match king, may have been the biggest thief of all time. Mr. Kreuger, a mechanical engineer from Kalmar, Sweden, ...

  • Business|ARCHIVES OF BUSINESS: A ROGUES GALLERY; Ivar Kreuger: Sweden's Match King


12. TCH: Ivar Kreuger - LinkedIn

  • Jul 25, 2022 · Kreuger needed to appear in good financial position to raise the money he promised certain governments but the markets were in turmoil and the ...

  • What do matches and money have in common? Not much perhaps, except that one man seemed an especially powerful supplier of each. Ivar Kreuger is possibly the person whose fame has diminished the most in the last century of financial history.

TCH: Ivar Kreuger - LinkedIn
Why Is Ivar Kreuger Good


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